
A minigame to learn TailwindCSS

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A website to teach people what TailwindCSS is and isn't. The main feature is a minigame: there are eight CSS properties that you must translate to the equivalent TailwindCSS utility. It also has:

  • Resources: a page that details the recommended tooling to maximize productivity and maintainability while using TailwindCSS. It mentions libraries such as prettier-plugin-tailwindcss and shadcn/ui.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: a page that addresses common beginner questions about TailwindCSS. It also exposes misconceptions about the framework, such as recurring comparisons to Bootstrap.

An anti-procrastination to-do list

Click to visit website Logo for the phived website

A website to help you stop procrastinating. It is a to-do list with one premise: you can't have more than five tasks at the same time. If you want to add more tasks, you have to complete one of the previous tasks. It is beautiful, efficient and privacy-first (no information is stored). It also has:

  • Daily tasks: a page to list five things you want to do everyday. Everyday, you can restore these tasks to do them again. My five daily tasks are currently: do skin care, take creatine, work out, do a duolingo lesson, and solve 5 chess puzzles.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA): download phived on any mobile device for free, so that you can access your tasks from any device.